February 20 Saturday, 1943


ToDay is the Birthday of ___________

Fair and warm, wind south.

I was over at Vicks at noon and Ski called up and said Mr. Fraser had a fire and wanted me to help him.

I ran home and got my Pony extinguisher and ran over there. The barn was on fire around the cellar windows. I ran into the cellar and had it under control and practically out when the fire department arrived.

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Pony Fire Extinguisher. Used for wood fires. Tip it upside down and bump on ground and it will spray till empty


Rode over to town this afternoon with Walder, Vick, and Eric. When we got back, Walder and I went up on the rocks in front of the hotel and dug a few clams.

Percy came over tonight and we played crib. We won three games each.

I won the last one by one hole.

Ski went bowling tonight.

Warmest night yet.

“Order is heaven’s first law.” Pope

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