Monday, Feb. 18, 1946

49th day-316 days follow


Fair with cold north west wind.

This morning I went up on the hill and saw Mrs. H and Bud.

Bud put up a lunch and he and I started for the Cape to hunt arrowheads.  We stopped at the old Knowles place and Bud found a good scraper and a piece of soapstone. We met the man that lives there.

Next stop was at Indian Hill Farm, nothing.  Then we went down to the canal and I found one arrowhead, a small piece of pottery, and one poor scraper.

From there we went down to Barnstable dunes.  There was a piece plowed there and I found a good celt* but the edge was battered some.

We hunted all the way down as far as Brewster before we found anything more.  Here Bud found one very nice small arrowhead and one fine large base. 

Here I found one red base notched red arrowhead that certainly would be hard to beat if a small piece of the point hadn’t been broken off.

We got a nice letter from Ski today.

Thelma is up at May Covells planning a supper for the church.

*celt- a polished stone ax or adz head

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