Saturday, Jan. 20, 1945

20th day – 345 days to follow

Went up on the hill and cleaned the upstairs and the cellar.

Tom Doten came over with a trunk of Harvey’s, we put it in the sun room.

Sherman Whipple came up to borrow the ice chisel.

The fox and the quail were around again.

After dinner I walked down to Guy Coopers and got 10 lbs of chick feed to put out for the quail.

I saw Al Raymond in front of Albert Mortons and sat in his car and had a long talk.

Henry Swift picked me up up by the Hospital and gave me a ride as far as Cliff St.

Jubbie went eeling and speared one big one, I skinned it for him.

Thel and Eleanor took a walk up Cliff St to take a look at Ida’s house.

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